Bedford County Courthouse Main Office: | (814) 623-4811 |
Area Agency on Aging: | (814) 623-8148 |
Area Agency on Aging: | 1-800-892-7903 |
Auditors 1: | (814) 623-4803 |
Career Link / PICCC: | (814) 623-6107 |
Center for Community Services: | (814) 623-9129 |
Children - Youth Services (court house): | (814) 623-4804 |
Children - Youth Services (after hours): | (814) 623-1148 |
Civil Defense: | (814) 623-1105 |
Commissioners' Office: | (814) 623-4807 |
Communications Network: | (814) 623-1105 |
Cooperative Extension: | (814) 623-4800 |
County Conservation: | (814) 623-8099 |
Court Administrator: | (814) 623-4812 |
Detective Office: | (814) 623-4855 |
District Attorney: | (814) 623-4855 |
District Justice Erika McVicker: | (814) 733-4375 |
District Justice District 2: Cyril Bingham: | (814) 623-6918 |
District Justice District 3: Brian Baker: | (814) 652-2128 |
District Justice District 4: Kathy Calhoun: | (814) 652-2523 |
Domestic Relations: | (814) 623-4813 |
Development Association: | (814) 623-4816 |
Development Association: | (800)-634-8610 |
4-H: | (814) 623-4800 |
Housing Authority: | (814) 623-1477 |
Human Services: | (814) 623-1335 |
Jail: | (814) 623-2955 |
Judges Chambers: | (814) 623-4810 |
Mental Health: | (814) 623-5166 |
Planning Commission: | (814) 623-4827 |
Police Emergency Calls: | (814) 623-1105 |
Probation Officer: | (814) 623-4830 |
Prothonotary: | (814) 623-4833 |
Public Defender: | (814) 623-8606 |
Register and Recorder: | (814) 623-4836 |
Sanitary Corp.: | (814) 623-6498 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Bedford Center: | (814) 623-6674 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Nutrition Site: | (814) 623-5140 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Chaneysville Center: | (814) 784-3215 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Everett Center: | (814) 652-5621 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Hopewell Center: | (814) 928-5322 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Hyndman Center: | (814) 842-6675 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Saxton Center: | (814) 635-3122 |
Senior Citizen Centers: Saxton Transit Office: | (814) 635-3653 |
Senior Transit Program: | (814) 623-9484 |
Senior Transit Program: | 1-(800)-333-9004 |
Sheriff's Office at the Jail: | (814) 623-2910 |
Southern Allegheny Resource Conservation & Dev. Office: | (814) 623-7900 |
Tax Assessment Office: | (814) 623-4842 |
Tax Claim Office: | (814) 623-4845 |
Treasurer's Office: | (814) 623-4846 |
Veteran's Affairs Office: | (814) 623-4848 |
Bedford County is in South Central PA along the PA Turnpike, Route 30 (Lincoln Highway), I-99 and I70.