Wine & Spirits Walk in Downtown Bedford
Buy a ticket and sample wine, whiskey and brews in over 20 Bedford locations. 814-623-0048
Buy a ticket and sample wine, whiskey and brews in over 20 Bedford locations. 814-623-0048
The Diary of Anne Frank. Bedford County Players 1044 Centerville Rd. Bedford, Pa. Fri & Sat shows start at 7:30pm. Saturday matinees 3pm. Call for tickets. 814-623-7555
The Diary of Anne Frank. Bedford County Players 1044 Centerville Rd. Bedford, Pa. Fri & Sat shows start at 7:30pm. Saturday matinees 3pm. Call for tickets. 814-623-7555
The Diary of Anne Frank. Bedford County Players 1044 Centerville Rd. Bedford, Pa. Fri & Sat shows start at 7:30pm. Saturday matinees 3pm. Call for tickets. 814-623-7555
The Diary of Anne Frank. Bedford County Players 1044 Centerville Rd. Bedford, Pa. Fri & Sat shows start at 7:30pm. Saturday matinees 3pm. Call for tickets. 814-623-7555
The Diary of Anne Frank. Bedford County Players 1044 Centerville Rd. Bedford, Pa. Fri & Sat shows start at 7:30pm. Saturday matinees 3pm. Call for tickets. 814-623-7555
The Diary of Anne Frank. Bedford County Players 1044 Centerville Rd. Bedford, Pa. Fri & Sat shows start at 7:30pm. Saturday matinees 3pm. Call for tickets. 814-623-7555
Babies and Blooms at Hospitality Spring Farm. Thousands of Spring blooms, Farm animal babies, Tours, Activities, Kids corner & Food. 9-5pm. 2406 Younts Rd. Bedford, Pa. 814-623-0642
12-2pm. A free community event with kids’ crafts, activities, egg scatter and visit with the Easter Bunny. 814-623-0048
Babies and Blooms at Hospitality Spring Farm. Thousands of Spring blooms, Farm animal babies, Tours, Activities, Kids corner & Food. 9-5pm. 2406 Younts Rd. Bedford, Pa. 814-623-0642
The Barbara Carroll Memorial Hook-in. Fee includes lunches and beverages. Advance registration required. The Coverlet Museum 322 S. Juliana Bedford (814)623-1588
Everett PA’s Bloody Run Canoe Classic Fun on the Juniata River with canoe/kayak races, food, vendors, kids activities, cruise-in and music. Street activities are 5PM-9PM. Races during the day. Everett, […]