Farmer’s Market in Downtown Bedford
Farmer’s Market in Downtown Bedford Located at the Corner of Juliana and Penn Streets 9-1PM
Farmer’s Market in Downtown Bedford Located at the Corner of Juliana and Penn Streets 9-1PM
Free guided tour of Bedford. Tours start at 3:30PM at the Bedford County Visitors Bureau at 131 South Juliana Street in Bedford. Tours involve about ¼ mile of walking and […]
Bring a show car or come and see them! Friendship Village Campground 348 Friendship Village Rd. in Bedford Free 814-623-1677
Farmer’s Market in Downtown Bedford Located at the Corner of Juliana and Penn Streets 9-1PM
Free guided tour of Bedford. Tours start at 3:30PM at the Bedford County Visitors Bureau at 131 South Juliana Street in Bedford. Tours involve about ¼ mile of walking and […]
Farmer’s Market in Downtown Bedford Located at the Corner of Juliana and Penn Streets 9-1PM
Free guided tour of Bedford. Tours start at 3:30PM at the Bedford County Visitors Bureau at 131 South Juliana Street in Bedford. Tours involve about ¼ mile of walking and […]
Southern Cove Power Reunion from 8AM-10PM each day. Antique tractors and farm equipment. Demonstrations, cider press, threshing, saw mill and shingle mill demos. Our mission is to preserve artifacts of […]
Farmer’s Market in Downtown Bedford Located at the Corner of Juliana and Penn Streets 9-1PM
Free guided tour of Bedford. Tours start at 3:30PM at the Bedford County Visitors Bureau at 131 South Juliana Street in Bedford. Tours involve about ¼ mile of walking and […]
Schellsburg Community Days Games, vendors, food and tractors. 8-5PM At the Community Park in Schellsburg Free
Coverlet College. Presentations, hands-on and optional workshops. Advance registration required. The Coverlet Museum 322 S. Juliana Bedford (814)623-1588