Soldier and Civilian Encampment

The 6th PA Union Soldiers and Civilians Encampment. Old Bedford Village 220 Sawblade Rd. Bedford Pa. Admission. 814-623-1156

Farmers & Thresherman’s Jubilee

Farmers & Thresherman’s Jubilee. 3054 Kingwood Rd. Rockwood, Pa. Steam Engines, Antique Tractors, Crafts, Food. Adults $5  Under 12 free.  814-926-3142

Southern Cove Power Reunion

Southern Cove Power Reunion from 8AM-10PM each day. Antique tractors and farm equipment. Demonstrations, cider press, threshing, saw mill and shingle mill demos.  Our mission is to preserve artifacts of the farming lifestyle from the 1800’s through the 1960’s.  145 Cave Road, New Enterprise, PA  (814)766-2703

Alpaca Farm Open House Day

National Alpaca Farm Open House Day. Meepah Ventures LLC . 719 Mowry Hill Rd. Buffalo Mills, Pa. 15534 Free Open House, meet Alpacas up close and learn about them. 10-4 pm. 703-216-0767 or 814-283-5798.